Lecture on divided migration at the Turkish-German University
The event "Shared Experience; Migration in Turkish and German Film Productions" took place on October 30, 2019 at the Turkish-German University. Prof. Dr. Ortrud Gutjahr from the University of Hamburg, and Prof. Dr. Ersel Kayaoğlu and Prof. Dr. Mahmut Karakuş from the University of İstanbul each gave presentations on their findings. First, Prof. Dr. Ortrud Gutjahr (University of Hamburg) and Prof. Dr. Ersel Kayaoğlu (İstanbul Üniversitesi) gave an approximately one-hour overview of Turkish and German cinema and television productions on Turkish-German migration from the 1960s to the recent present. It turned out that shortly after the signing of the Workers' Agreement in 1961, no German films were made with the theme of migration. In contrast to Germany, however, Turkish cinema has dealt a great deal with the topic of migration, which can also be seen in the cinema films of the time.
Workshop After the Break
After a short break, a practical workshop of about one hour took place. Methods of film analysis for university teaching were explained and jointly discussed on the basis of Yasemin Şamdereli's film "Almanya Wilkommen in Deutschland (2011)". In addition, Mahmut Karakuş (İstanbul Üniversitesi) presented how the topic of "Homeland and Understanding of Homeland" can be prepared for the classroom using this example film.